Core Characteristics of Location 5-9

Location 5

The key change that comes with Location 5 is a persistent change in the visual system, particularly in how light appears to someone. A large percentage of the brain is involved in visual processing, so it follows that sooner or later the changes in the brain related to Fundamental Wellbeing will reach these areas, and bring about changes in the visual system. 

The nature of the change varies from person to person. For example, some people report significantly improved night vision, or the perception of a glow or an inner luminescence in some objects, in natural objects, or in everything. 

Location 6

By the time someone reaches Location 6, the changes in the brain have reached beyond the visual system to affect lower levels of the nervous system that relate to some of our earliest sensory binding. From Location 4 on, there is the progressive dissolution of the unconscious portions of the individual self that was forming around the time that early sensory and motor connections were being made in the brain. It seems that dissolving these aspects of the foundational sense of self interferes with those connections, and can cause glitches in sensory and autonomic physiological processes. These can be mild, rapid, and barely noticeable, or they can be severe and potentially life-threatening. They are generally worse for Finders on the Path of Freedom. 

Another phenomenon that shows up at Location 6 is glimpses of “the Universe” – moments where it is clear that everything is just the Universe. This comes to the foreground as a stable perception in later locations.  

Finally, Location 6 can bring the first glimpses of accurate intuition and psychic perception – things coming true, knowing what someone is going to say before they say it, etc. At this point it can be very occasional, but noticeable. 

Location 7

The main quality that distinguishes Location 7 is that the Universe/Reality is experienced in the foreground. This leads to a loss of dimensionality of perception, which appears flat and stark in comparison with earlier locations. Sensory perception appears to fade to the background, and no matter where one looks, all one can see is the Universe/Reality. 

There also tend to be more experiences of accurate intuition, and some Finders also begin to report psychokinesis type experiences, not in the form of objects moving, but a sense that they can wish or thinking things into reality. Initially people think they saw it, like precognition or telepathy, but with time they can become more convinced that they are creating it. We have not tested this scienfitifcally.

Sensory glitches can also continue in Location 7, especially before a Finder deepens more into this location.

Location 8

Like in Location 7, it feels like “there is only the Universe/Reality”. In addition, a distinct flip happens in visual perception where it feels like that is all that is looking out of one’s eyes. People will often say things like “it feels like there’s only the universe looking out these eyes”. 

The sensory glitches tend to decline here.

Intuition becomes strong here. 

By this point Finders are strong believers that they are experiencing psychokinesis, although it may be very occasional. 

Location 9

The experience of the Universe/Reality is deeper here, but is difficult to describe in a meaningful way. It can feel like the experience pervades all the senses, rather than feeling predominantly visual. There is a whole body experience that is similar to visual flip that is experienced at Location 8, such that it feels like the entire body (continuing to include the visual system) is the undifferentiated experience of the Universe/Realty. 

Intuion is even stronger here, and experiences of psychokinesis increase as well compared to Location 8. 

Locations 10 and beyond

These Locations are beyond the scope of this educational outreach at this time. Almost no one experiences them. If you think you are, we are happy to communicate with you about it. Feel free to contact us at [email protected].